- De-clutter
- Recycle extraneous paperwork
- Clear out the files in your home office
- Streamline the junk drawer in the kitchen
- Toss old magazines & newspapers
- Donate rarely worn clothing / gently used toys
- When is the last time you've thought about tossing stained & worn linens?
- Have you tackled the spice rack in the kitchen, recently?
- Donate/ recycle books, CDs, DVDs, & video games
- Dust
- First, vacuum thoroughly
(to prevent kicking up dirt onto newly dusted furnishings) - Dust your ceiling fans, window sills, & ledges with the extending microfiber duster
- Wipe down your table tops, picture frames, and wood furniture with our magnetic microfiber towels
- Vacuum again to collect newly fallen dust
- Sanitize
- Spray Ask Cindy's Glass Cleaner onto your reflective surfaces to dissolve grime
- Use 3 parts water, 1 part liquid all-purpose cleaner/sanitizer and a white terry cloth towel to cleanse and degrease your non-porous surfaces (counter tops & tables)
- Use 2 parts water, 1 squirt of clear dish soap and a white terry cloth towel to remove any sticky residue from sanitizer
- Remember to wipe down the bottoms of winter shoes & boots before you store them away as the seasons change

Products mentioned in this blog: