(Key tips for cleaning household furniture & decorations)

(How to: clean your hall tree)
Cleaning Steps:
- Using Ask Cindy’s fine, non-scratch,
ultra-thick microfiber towel, dust this unit from top to bottom. Don’t
forget the hanging hooks and hinges. Remember to flip your towel to the
other side once dust particles are clearly covering the cloth. These
towels are detailed dusting magic! Dust particles are held firmly in
- Using a neutral and clear colored dish liquid soap, squeeze a few
droplets into 1/4 of a pail of warm water, to create the perfect
cleaning solution.
- Using an Ask Cindy white terry cloth towel, dip one end into the
soap and water solution and ring it dry. Target smudges and
fingerprints. Wipe and clean with the wet end of your towel. Dry
immediately using the dry end of the towel.
- Pour a dollop of (lemon scented) BLEACH FREE grease cutting cleanser onto the damp end of your white terry cloth towel. Specifically target marks, smudges, and tough residue with this super effective scuff remover! Don't forget to rinse with clean, clear water. Dry with a fresh towel. - SMILE at your glittering Ask Cindy finish!
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